Building the Social Media Network!

Social Media Connecting to the Future Social Media,Connecting to the future? It certainly seems to be case. It is very early days yet. Social media was had a very rapid growth in our organisation in a very short time. The speed and the power of that growth has been amazing! Some of our facts! Our Facebook that we only launched October 2010 What have been the biggest beneifits? Franchisee are sharing their stories! Working for yourself can be lonely at times. Having a place to "Catch Up with whats going on with your peers has been very inspiring. Every day franchisee and Master Franchisee are sharing their successes and helping with solutions. Clients are already starting to come from Facebook! 57,963 post views 1,699 post feedbacks 306 active users 251 "likes" The James Master True Stories Blogg! The shari...