The Negative Thing One of the guys asked an interesting question about my early days. How did I handle the “ Negative Thing ”? When I asked what did he mean by that? He expanded. You know? When you’ve had a bad day and you don’t get the results, you can get disheartened. And then there are other people who seem to want you to fail. Sometimes its other franchisees, or just people you know, or even family. They seem excited when they think you might fail. ”Told you so!” Sort of thing! I asked him first - What did he do? He said “When I get negative, I then do nothing. I just worry about it.” He said, “I know it doesn’t work”. This is the network about 1994, I think.Don't we look dapper? What did I do! And still do for that matter. Firstly, I always do something ! I really don’t just sit around and worry. Playing a positive game always beats the negative players. If you keep going forward, working on the solutions, you will always...