Reason#5 You're a Rebel without a Cause "Hey Dude,Fight the establishment" Yeh,man you're the dude that the establishment can't hold down! You're the man that lead the great morning tea rebellion of 04.When the establishment tried to cut back on the Iced Vovo's.It's basic human right for every working man & woman to have Iced Vovo's! Or you're the bloke that at every BBQ .Who's takes great joy in ALWAYS getting in a argument with most people about everything,Because "they are always wrong". Someone has to put them on the right track! O r,If do bother to get a recipe you just change it,Just because you truly believe ,you smarter then that Gordan Ramsey bloke!(Of course,who isn't smarter than Gordan) Now, don't even start with the DVD player ,I know no one wastes their time reading that manual.What would a little bloke in China on a production line, know about DVD players, really? Black or white!Where are the ...