10 reasons not to buy a Franchise.#5 You're a Rebel without a Cause

Reason#5 You're a Rebel without a Cause

"Hey Dude,Fight the establishment"

Yeh,man you're the dude that the establishment can't hold down!
You're the man that lead the great morning tea rebellion of 04.When the establishment tried to cut back on the Iced Vovo's.It's basic human right for every working man & woman to have Iced Vovo's!
Or you're the bloke that at every BBQ .Who's takes great joy in ALWAYS getting in a argument with most people about everything,Because "they are always wrong".
Someone has to put them on the right track!
Or,If do bother to get a recipe  you just change it,Just because you truly believe ,you smarter then that Gordan Ramsey bloke!(Of course,who isn't smarter than Gordan)
Now, don't even start with the DVD player ,I know no one wastes their time reading that manual.What would a little bloke in China on a production line, know about DVD players, really?

Black or white!Where are the Iced Vovos?
Or,If you hear your wife consistently say"Yes Dear, I Knows you are always right"
and you believe her.
Someone says Black! You say White! Cold,Hot! Wet,Dry! Good,Bad!
If you have a habit of have to being right,over success?
If so "Dude", you are probably better off going your own way,"Hey Man"!
A franchise is not the place for anyone that wants to fight the system.
Franchises are systems!
Chipping away at a system is like kicking your own house down,really!
We have seen plenty of "Rebel" franchisee's or Master franchisee's that put all their time into "Not' using the system and even trying to get others to follow them to failure.Just like lemmings jumping of a cliff to their business death.

Jumping to their business death!
Some poeple spend all their lifes trying to be right instead of successful.
Refusing to follow simple systems of their group ,Sadly to prove himself right which in turn they are actually creating their own failure.
They then try and find others just like themselves that agree,misery certainly loves company!
If you want to be the "Rebel without a Cause" became a union rep!
Don't buy a franchise!
If you're more like a"Few Good Man" that want to be part of a successful unit.
The systems are their to protect everyone's business and give us strength!
Check it out.
Free  Enterprise Rules

Yeh,Fight the system,Man


  1. Yeh, man if you're not a system dude,don't buy into one.
    Robert James
    James Home Services


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