Specializing in systematization for duplication. Helping Small to Medium business to go to the next level. Robert James took his one-man car cleaning business to national 400 strong franchise network, James Home Services. While maintaining a balanced family life through major family stresses.
Coffee with James#1 on the road to the top
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Australia's Premier mobile service franchise network.
The response to my offer of coffee shop one on one business coaching for our franchisees has been strong. The winners will be announced next Monday. Only franchisees that made comment will be offered the coaching. comment can be made on http://jamesmastertruestories.com/ http://franchiseopportunitiesaustralia.blogspot.com http://www.facebook.com/pages/James-Home-Services/118913328164366?sk=wall Conditions Has to be on the day specified by myself. I will shout the coffee! Cake is extra! The judges decision is final. The LEADER BOARD as of 7/3/2011 (Not in order) 1.Penrith 2.Western Brisbane. 3.Toowoomba. 4.Newcastle. 5.Wide Bay. 6.Sunshine Coast. 7.Far North Queensland. These areas go into round 2. The winning areas will be the one with most individual franchisees to comment between now and Midnight Monday the 14th March. Lets see what happeneds! Go Team.
Franchisor Business Coaching Roadshow. Lets see if this "Social Marketing" really works! If I can get enough "comments or Blog followers within our franchisee region. I will set up in a coffee shop in your area and do one on one business coaching with the franchisees in the regions The area that get the most comments wins. Blog followers get double points! Comments on any sites count. Rally the franchisee in your area to make your area heard. This should be fun! Be heard!!!! Cheers Robert James Check out ! http://www.facebook.com/pages/James-Home-Services/118913328164366 http://jamesmastertruestories.com/2011/03/02/one-on-one-coaching-offer-from-franchisor/
What makes a Successful Franchisee? With over 20 years experience in coaching both franchisees and master franchisees succeed in business,this is one of the most common questions. I have seen people from all walks of life,many different work backgrounds and a diverse range of nationalities attempt to make a go of running their own franchise business. No all succeed. Many perform to a passable level. While others just excel. What is the magic formula? Use the Proven Systems I don't believe it's intelligence or education for that matter. I have seen university trained 'Professionals",like accountants,business managers and solicitors fail. While I've seen new immigrants with minimal education and English as a second language excel. It seems to be more about the willingness to learn new skill s than the skills they already bring to the table. Willingness to learn new skills There certainly is a need to have a level of self-discipline . Ever...
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